Bible Study - Saturday 10:00am
27 Jun 2020, 10:00am
At 10.00am each Saturday we have a Bible study before our main service. We call it Sabbath School.Join us via zoom here.
There are a number of groups to choose from, just turn up and we will point you in the right direction.
Some of the Bible study groups are studying from a lesson book called t...

Main Church Service - Saturday 11:15AM
02 Jan 2021, 11:00am
Our main service is at 11.15am each Saturday at our church.
Join us online here.
The service is about 60 minutes in length. Services begin with song, a children’s story and prayer. After that our pastor, one of our members or a visiting speaker will share a Bible-based message.
You are welcom...

What Does This All Mean? - Seminar
03 Apr 2020, 7:15pm
Join us for an incredible seminar with Pastor Louis Torres. Pastor Torres is a theologian, author and international speaker. He will present easy to understand biblical topics that will amaze you.
Watch online here
Location: 40 Kissing Point Road, Oatlands NSW 2217 Metro Sydney
Opening date: ...